Yet Another Cybertruck Owner Shocked At Hate His Vehicle Gets

One of the more interesting recent phenomena with Elon Musk supporting Trump has been the hate engendered for Tesla vehicle, most notably his Cybertruck. In this case, a man in Madison, Wisconsin reported an incident to police where a man spat on his vehicle for no reason.

While sales are down slightly for Tesla in the United States for the first time ever, they’ve plummeted across Europe. Musk’s politics are often cited as the main cause.

Source: WKOW

MADISON (WKOW) — Some people frustrated with Elon Musk and his involvement in the federal government are taking out their frustrations on his company Tesla.

In turn, some Tesla owners, like David Koeshall, are receiving hate from others for their vehicles.

Koeshall’s Cybertruck was parked outside of La Brioche True Food on University Avenue in Madison. In a video captured by the truck’s built-in cameras, a man rode his bike up next to the truck, stopped, and spit on it.

“It was disturbing,” said Koeshall. “I felt violated, maybe a little threatened.”

Koeshall said he was prompted to turn on the Cybertruck’s cameras after receiving a note on his windshield prior to the spitting incident.

The note read ‘Nice Elon Truck, Loser.”

“It makes me sad that we live in a world where people are willing to do some damage or spread some hate,” said Koeshall.

The hate seems real.

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