rudy giuliani

Rudy Giuliani Explodes After Judge Refuses To Postpone Trial


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani raged against U.S. District Court Judge Lewis J. Liman Tuesday for refusing to postpone his trial so he could attend President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration in January.

Following a court hearing in Manhattan, Giuliani told reporters that Liman “ruled against us on everything.”

“The trial he set down for the period of time during President Trump’s inauguration,” Giuliani said.

The trial was set after the former mayor refused to pay $148 million to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, two former Georgia election workers he defamed following Trump’s 2020 loss to President Joe Biden.

Giuliani accused Liman of being a “serious left-wing Democrat,” despite his being appointed by Trump.

“It’s punishment for being the one who revealed first Joe Biden’s 30-year criminality,” he insisted. “He’s been trying to torture me, stop me, take everything away from me since then.”

“The reality is I have no cash,” he continued. “It’s all tied up. So right now, if I wanted to call a taxi cab, I can’t do it. I don’t have a credit card. I don’t have a checking account.”

“I have no place I can go take cash out except a little bit that I saved, and it’s getting down to almost nothing.”


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