Report: Trump Wants To Pave Over The White House Rose Garden

The White House Rose Garden is perhaps the most iconic area of the grounds and borders the Oval Office and the West Wing of the White House. Originally planned by First Lady Edith Roosevelt in 1902, it has seen renovations over the years, most notably with Jackie Kennedy in 1961, and controversially with Melania Trump in 2020, described as “sterile, bland, and devoid of any joy” and by presidential historian Micahel Beschloss as an “evisceration.”

Well, the Trumps are back and now they want to destroy it completely.

Source: New York Times

President Trump has been busy upending the federal government, reorienting U.S. foreign policy, threatening trade wars and winning confirmation for his Cabinet choices.

But he has managed to find time for a project closer to home: He has told associates that he wants to rip up the grass in the Rose Garden, one of the White House’s most iconic and meticulously maintained spots, and replace it with a hard surface to resemble a patio like the one he has at Mar-a-Lago.

Designers have drafted options for how to remake the surface of the Rose Garden, which sits just outside the Oval Office and the Cabinet Room. Mr. Trump has discussed whether it should be limestone or an easily interchangeable hard surface, with the possibility of installing hardwood floors for dancing, according to four people briefed on the discussions, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations.

The roses, apparently, will stay.

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