Quick! Where Can I Buy A Yoga Mat?!

I often see clips of yoga classes where the students are being mawled to death by a ferocious pack of puppies. The little fellers will run all over, licking faces, snuggling up with people and each other and occasionally causing some mischief (dogs have a thing for hair scrunchies apparently). And every time I see one of these clips, I think that if there was a way to get me to go to an exercise class, that would be it.

And even better, the puppies are usually from local rescues. Thus the puppies are getting a lot out of these classes too. At the very least, they are learning proper socialization to make them better canine citizens when they find their fureber homes. And sometimes, as in the video above, they find their fureber homes right then and there!

And if you’re a cat person, you’re still in luck! There are places that do kitten yoga too!

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