Musk And Trump Halt Firefighter Hiring As Fire Season Nears

As wildfire dangers get worse, President Elon Musk and Flunky Donald Trump are A-OK with your house, your property, your livestock and our public lands burning up for the sake of Billionaire Bro tax cuts.

Let’s be clear: Musk and Trump pretend they are working to cut wasteful spending. But they are really on a mission to destroy and defund the federal government so that they can send taxpayer funds directly into ultrawealthy pockets. And just like they don’t care if your plane crashes as a result, they are also fine with your house burning down.

From NBC News:

Even though President Donald Trump’s Jan. 20 executive order says the freeze does not apply to positions related to “public safety,” federal firefighters are not exempt, according to a person who works in hiring at the Bureau of Land Management.

In at least one field office for the Bureau of Land Management, a division of the Interior Department, officials involved in annual hiring were instructed in an email reviewed by NBC News to “hold all offers related to fire positions” because of the freeze.

The agency “was already in the middle of hiring their summer [fire] workforce when the federal hiring freeze came down,” a federal hiring manager in Utah told NBC affiliate KSL in Salt Lake City.

Another BLM official involved in hiring said, “The level of stupidity and negligence here is enraging.”

The current firefighters have reportedly also gotten buyout offers, just like all CIA workers did. Apparently, no sacrifice is too great for regular Americans in order to make the richest man in the world even richer.

Wildfire season typically begins in May but has been getting longer and more intense. Federal background checks normally make hiring federal firefighters a lengthy process, NBC News noted. It’s a terrifying prospect that raises the possibility of an understaffed federal firefighting force and/or one that is hastily assembled, unqualified and unvetted. That’s the same kind of people Musk sent to tinker with – I mean “audit” our Social Security and Medicare payment system. They are also, the same kind of people Trump thinks would make great air traffic controllers.

Sergio Gor, the unqualified loyalist now in charge of presidential personnel, could not have sounded less concerned about the potentially lethal consequences of the Billionaires’ Tax-Cut Hiring Freeze:

More from NBC News:

Sergio Gor, the White House director of presidential personnel, told Fox News, referring to the freeze but not firefighters specifically, that “the hiring freeze in place is enabling us to vet new people coming in and to other positions, also, but you have to clean house. Look, it’s one of those things.”

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