Mr. Liar Pants Is Gaslighting Us On Undocumented Immigrants Again

The truth: Undocumented immigrants are a bonanza for Social Security and Medicare. They paid at least $25.7 billion in Social Security taxes in 2022, and they’ll likely never get a cent of that back.

The lie:

“And we have illegal immigrants on Social Security, and we’re going to find out who they are and take them out,” the senior citizen co-president said. “We have illegal immigrants in other — Medicare.”

“We have — we’ve had a lot of bad people, a lot of people that shouldn’t be on, that were put on through California,” he added. “They come — a lot of them come out of California. We’re not going to stand for that.”

The reason:

Donald is making excuses for his unelected billionaire President, Elon Musk, rifling through the Treasury, Social Security, and Medicare.

Via The New York Times:

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy estimates that undocumented workers paid a total of $96.7 billion in federal, state and local taxes in 2022, a third of which went toward the payroll taxes that are dedicated to paying for social insurance programs, including Social Security, Medicare and unemployment taxes.

“It is well established that undocumented workers contribute to the solvency of major social insurance programs through their tax contributions,” said Carl Davis, research director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

Numbers don’t lie, but Donald sure does — as quickly as he breathes. The jobs report was shit this month. Get ready for the Trump economic slowdown. We warned them.

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