Rep Jim Jordan spoke gibberish to Fox News Sunday trying to rationalize the $880 billion proposed cuts to Medicaid that Republicans want to implement to pass Trump tax cuts for the rich.
Jordan knows cutting Medicaid has nothing to do with waste, fraud and abuse nor does making people work to qualify for healthcare. He was left throwing out catchwords and wingnut phrases to try to dupe the audience.
BREAM: The New York Times reports on the House version, the budget that Speaker Johnson has negotiated for the next decade calls for around $880 billion in cuts to Medicaid.
That’s an effort to counterbalance a portion of the tax cuts. That scares people when they hear that. Where do we get $880 billion out of Medicaid?
JORDAN: The focus has been clear. The President’s been clear. Waste, fraud, and abuse, we’re going to look at.
BREAM: Is there enough of that to cover $880 million?
JORDAN: We’re going to look to find that.
Jordan is so full of shit. In one breath he says they’re going to look for waste fraud and abuse to cut from Medicaid to defend their position and in the next breath says they’re not looking to make cuts to Medicaid.
Which is it?
Jordan then tries to link people desperately needing Medicaid to Ronald Reagan’s attack on welfare queens.
JORDAN: I do think we’re not looking to make cuts to Medicaid, but certainly work requirements are something that I don’t view as cuts.
Work requirements are just common sense. You’re an able-bodied adult, and you’re getting a benefit from the government. There should be some requirement that you do work or volunteer work or something.
We have that in other parts of our government payment systems, where people are getting aid from the taxpayer.
I think that makes sense.
Our plan is pretty basic. taxes, cut some spending, help the national defense, and secure the board.
What crap.
You can’t force people on Medicaid that have health issues to work since many of them already work, you jackass. They have health care issues to deal with. Millions of working class Americans depend on Medicaid because they aren’t making enough money to afford the more expensive brand of healthcare. Being on Medicaid has nothing to do with being lazy or taking government handouts.
Seniors depend on Medicaid to help them with the expense of care in nursing homes. Are they supposed to get up and work?
MAGAts are ignoring the fact that many of their supporters rely on Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare, and every other social and economic aid available to them.
There is no rational reason to cut $880 billion for Medicaid to give tax cuts to the very wealthy. Republicans have always looked to hurt the middle and lower class to enrich their upper-crust.
Jordan knows this but is too much of a prick to admit it.