If A Liar's Pants Really Caught On Fire, Elon Would Be Ablaze Right Now

Donald handed over even more power to his co-president, Elon Musk, during an executive order event, where reporters asked the unelected dipshit questions. And it was interesting! For one, the unelected nitwit whined about “unelected bureaucrats.”

One reporter noted that some people are saying, “You’re orchestrating a hostile takeover of government and doing it in a non-transparent way. What’s your response to that criticism?”

And then he lied.

“Well, first of all, you couldn’t ask for a stronger mandate from the public,” he falsely said. “The public voted—we have a majority of the public voting for President Trump, who won the House, who won the Senate.”

“The people voted for major government reform,” he continued. “There should be no doubt about that. That was on the campaign. The President spoke about that at every rally.”

“The people voted for major government reform, and that’s what the people are going to get,” he added. “They’re going to get what they voted for. And a lot of times, you know, people don’t get what they voted for, but in this presidency, they are going to get what they voted for.”

Don’t you wish a liar’s pants would catch on fire just this once?

Donald garnered only 49.81 percent of the vote nationally, just 1.47 percentage points ahead of Kamala Harris. If we count the number of folks who stayed home, it goes well under the majority he already did not have. Lumpy’s margin of victory in the national popular vote is one of the smallest in history. His percentage fell below 50 percent. That means that Elon’s co-president did not win a majority. And zero people voted for Elon fucking Musk. Sit down, Leon.

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