GOP Lawmaker: Accountability Is 'Emotional Hostage Taking'

Being the good, little sheeple that they are, Wisconsin Republicans are following their marching orders that were handed down from ALEC. Lately, they’ve been doing their part in the anti-trans culture war by passing numerous harmful anti-trans bills.

However, the Democrats are no longer offering just a token resistance. Every time the Republicans brought up one of their anti-trans bills, the Democrats pointed out the stats of what will happen if it passes, including suicide.

Republican State Rep. Barbara Dittrich, who prides to be God’s gift to child advocacy, had enough of that being held accountable, and said so, if not in those exact words:

I will tell you, another thing we heard repeatedly, and we heard this with the sports bills as well, is that we have to go along with what the child wants or they’ll commit suicide. That blood will be on their hands. You’re gonna be a murderer. It’s all your fault. And frankly, that’s emotional hostage taking. It’s manipulation. It’s mentally unsound behavior.

No, lady, that is called being held accountable, to which Republicans have a great aversion. And if they don’t like it, maybe they should knock it off with the hate and bigotry be decent human beings for a change. Everyone will be happier for a change. Well, maybe not ALEC but screw them.

H/T Heartland Signal

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