Genvid Entertainment today dropped the first story trailer for its upcoming mobile game/interactive series hybrid, DC Heroes United. The app (which shares the same name as the show) features free-to-play gameplay as well as a decision-making platform. Gamers who play can collectively make decisions for the story using the app. The game launches on November 20 and the first episode of the series launches on November 21 on Tubi, YouTube and the app.
DC Heroes United features several of DC’s biggest superheroes, as the name suggests, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Black Canary. The story begins as the Justice League is just coming together, meaning that players will have the opportunity to influence the League’s creation and actions across the story. The DC Heroes United game features its own story, called The EveryHero Project, which puts players inside a LexCorp Simulation.
In order to vote on story decisions, players must play the app’s roguelite game and earn Story Tokens. Players have a few days following an episode’s broadcast to vote on the next episode’s direction, using Story Tokens. According to Genvid, the story of the series also influences the in-game story of The EveryHero Project.
This is not Genvid’s first time launching an interactive series, as it previously worked on Silent Hill: Ascension. That series offered players the chance to influence a story set in the Silent Hill universe. DC Heroes United features Genvid’s CCO, Stephan Bugaj as showrunner and also features writing from Gail Simone, Josh Fialkov and Brian Buccellato and artwork from Terry Dodson.
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