Fox News hosts began rolling out their MAGA propaganda supporting RFK Junior’s claim that he will make school lunches healthier, kids happier, and people skinnier.
The anti-vax zealot who loves roadkill has become a health food savior. It’s so ludicrous, but Fox News has been given their orders and they obey.
How quickly they forget that 10 years ago when Michelle Obama instituted federal guidelines trying to improve the foods and health of our schoolkids, these same creeps railed, ripped, and attacked her as though she was forcing kids to drink battery acid.
If the kids want to be obese, it’s their right. Remember that????
I put two video clips together to show their hypocrisy and Goebbels-like propaganda. The first clip is from Fox News’ The Five featuring clown Jesse Watters gushing like a wingnut geyser.
Watch and and be amazed.
In the first clip, Jesse Watters gushes that RFK Jr will make America hot again.
WATTERS: This is gonna be so much fun to get skinny and having everybody be hot again. Because if you look at 1990, this was just a smoking hot country, all right? Then everybody started getting obese and overweight. What happened in 1990? They put ultra processed food into the food pyramid.
They unleashed pharmaceutical drugs into the doctor’s offices. And they moved everybody out of factories into the office to stare at a screen all day. So we all just look like Jabba the Hutt.
And so he comes along and says, let’s just clean up the food and everybody maybe take a hike.
How can you be against that?
Make America hot again.
Make America hot again.
A Republican was president at the time in 1990, Jesse.
I do find it curious that Jesse had forgotten the abominable treatment FLOTUS received from these jackasses.
Maybe Jesse’s mom can remind him.
In the second half of the above video check out all the Fox News liars clutching pearls over Michelle’s good deeds
GLENN BECK: When I heard this, I thought, get your damn hands off my fries, lady. If I wanna be a fat, fat, fatty and shovel French fries all day long, that is my choice.
HANNITY: We’re gonna have, you know, the government fining us if we use salt.
KILMEADE: Coming up straight ahead, all this talk about the government taking salt away from you because it’s so bad for you, but aren’t there good things about salt?
A-HOLE: I hate the government getting involved and telling me what to eat and not to eat. Food police.
HEMMER: Do you think the government should regulate the ingredients in the food we eat?
UNKNOWN: Can’t we make our own decision about whether or not we wanna salt our food?
HANNITY: All right, an Obama government obesity task force.
Does every American family need a dietician appointed by the government to tell them that this food is gonna make you fat and this food is not? Make America healthy again.
Nuff’ said.
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