Dummy Kilmeade To Trumpers: Losing Your Job Will Balance The Budget

Fox and Friends co-host and resident idiot Brian Kilmeade double talked his way through trying to defend the Musk/Trump draconian firing of federal workers — claiming “it’s not punitive”, because you lost your job in the service of balancing the budget!

Don’t worry, be happy!

This is the most depraved excuse yet from Fox News MAGAts trying to normalize the illegal actions by the copresidency of Musk/Trump, who are just destroying people’s livelihoods on a whim.

See Trump supporters, your livelihoods fall under “waste fraud and abuse” so suck it.

KILMEADE: But when you have someone from the outside come in and make some tough cuts, you could say, I don’t have my hands in that.

The blowback they’re getting in some of these town halls is real.

I’m sure there’s some people in there that voted for Trump and said, I walked into work, and I lost my job.

But that’s going to be one of the casualties of having to take a $2.7 million federal workforce and knock it down to maybe half of that.

So I think we got to heads up on it.

I think the president would do himself a favor, and the Treasury Secretary especially, just saying, hey, we have a $7 trillion budget.

We only make $5.9 trillion.

The revenue gap is $2 trillion.

This is part of closing that gap, is lessening the responsibility.

It’s not punitive.

Would Brian Kilmeade give up his job to balance the federal budget? Methinks not.

There is no rhyme nor reason to the firings by Trump. No thought other than, “You’re fired!”

For Musk, it’s about punishing agencies that are investigating him and which he has government contracts looming.

Trump supporters, you got what you voted for. If you’re out of work because of it, I’ll echo Brian, suck on it.

If you lose your Medicaid healthcare in service of billionaires, Kilmeade says suck on it.

If Your Social Security is in jeopardy, Kilmeade suggests you suck on it as well.

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