Last month, I reported about Steve Williams, a Wisconsin cop who was also a substitute teacher in Minnesota, who thought it was a good idea to spew racist and sexist comments, say that police brutality didn’t exist and do a reenactment of the George Floyd murder, using one of the students:
Williams told the Woodbury teenagers that “police brutality isn’t real,” according to the letter.
He is accused of twisting a student’s arm behind the student’s back and showing pressure points on the chin and face.
Williams repeatedly made racially harmful comments and sexist jokes, the letter said. He also mimicked holding a gun and pointing it at students while sharing disturbing details about previous police investigations, according to the letter.
Williams said “cops would be the best criminals” and that “they know how to get away with stuff,” the letter reads.
He was immediately banned from the school and fired by the company that hired him as a substitute teacher.
Now, after an investigation, the Prescott Police Department decided it was time for Williams to leave the force. However, they let him resign in lieu of getting fired:
A Wisconsin police officer who reenacted the killing of George Floyd on a student while he was substitute teaching at a school in Woodbury, Minnesota has resigned.
Steven Williams’ last day on the job with the Prescott Police department is Friday. Documents say he resigned in lieu of termination. The separation agreement also states the city will not reemploy him.
The problem with just letting Williams resign is that he will be able to apply at another police department without any sort of red flag, thus allowing him to continue with his deranged ways.
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