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Coty Hosts Expert #UndefineBeauty Panel

Coty hosted a cross-industry roundtable to discuss restrictive beauty ideals and definitions. 
As the next chapter of the #UndefineBeauty campaign, the panel debunks beauty myths, including perspectives on neuroscience, art, social media, sociology, and mental health. 
Sue Nabi, Coty CEO, said,
“As a beauty company, we recognize our responsibility to reflect a diverse vision of beauty. Our ongoing commitment to this campaign, including our latest roundtable discussion, underscore our resolve to create beauty for everyone. Our goal is to help each person feel their most beautiful self.”
Coty launched the #UndefineBeauty campaign in 2023 with an open letter to major English dictionaries, calling for an update of the current definition of the word ‘beauty’. 
To date, there has been no response from the dictionary publishers, and Coty is calling on them once more to change the definition to reflect today’s society.
Coty is inviting everyone to join the #UndefineBeauty movement and help drive change by signing the petition on

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