Billionaire Bill Gates Has $35 Billion Invested in These 4 Stocks

Bill Gates is known as the founder of Microsoft, but most of his time is now spent on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has over $42 billion invested in the stock market. And a whopping $32 billion of that is invested in just four stocks. Travis Hoium digs into the four stocks in this video.

*Stock prices used were end-of-day prices of March 26, 2024. The video was published on March 27, 2024.

Travis Hoium has positions in Berkshire Hathaway. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, and Walmart. The Motley Fool recommends Canadian National Railway, Deere & Company, and Waste Management and recommends the following options: long January 2026 $395 calls on Microsoft and short January 2026 $405 calls on Microsoft. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Travis Hoium is an affiliate of The Motley Fool and may be compensated for promoting its services. If you choose to subscribe through their link they will earn some extra money that supports their channel. Their opinions remain their own and are unaffected by The Motley Fool.

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