Baby seal found 20 miles from the ocean in downtown New Haven: “Lucky” to be rescued

A lost seal found wandering on the streets of New Haven 20 miles from the ocean is safe and recovering, according to the Mystic Aquarium.

The baby male gray seal was found on Chapel Street in downtown New Haven, Connecticut on Sunday, Feb. 16.

“Mystic Aquarium is pleased to have rescued this misdirected young seal in need of help, and looks forward to hopefully returning the seal back to the ocean in the months ahead,” said Dr. Allison Tuttle, Mystic Aquarium’s Chief Zoological Officer, in a press release. “We are proud to provide marine mammal response, rescue, and rehabilitation for the state of Connecticut, and help marine animals in need.”

So far from the ocean, it was a strange place to find the baby marine animal.

Where was the seal found in New Haven?

The seal was originally spotted near the intersection of Chapel Street and East Street.

“Meet the newest addition to the department!” joked the New Haven Police Department on X, including a photo of the seal next to their police car.

The Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Program rescued the seal and brought it back to the aquarium with support from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and the New Haven Police Department.

How did the seal get to New Haven? Is the seal ok?

The male seal, estimated to be only a few weeks old, wandered from the beach to a “potentially dangerous situation” on the streets of New Haven, according to the Mystic Aquarium.

The veterinary team at the aquarium’s clinic found that the seal was lethargic and dehydrated when he was admitted. He weighted just 28 pounds, less than the 35 pounds newborn gray seals typically weigh.

The seal was “lucky” to have been rescued, the aquarium said.

Newborn seals will usually nurse on high fat milk for three weeks. The clinic has started him on fluid therapy and an individualized treatment plan. They will feed him a dilute fish formula that will provide him with the nutrition he needs to “heal and grow.”

“The goal for this seal, along with every other rescued marine mammal and sea turtle patient, is to release the seal back to its ocean home once he is healthy and strong,” Mystic Aquarium said in a press release.

What are gray seals?

Gray seals are “true seals” with short flippers and no external ear flaps. As adults, they can weigh up to 880 pounds and be up to 10 feet long.

Gray seals are found in coastal waters throughout the North Atlantic Ocean. They are federally protected by the marine protection act.

This article originally appeared on The Bulletin: Baby seal rescued 20 miles from the ocean in downtown New Haven, CT

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