As Trump Polls Drop, Furious GOP Voters Harangue Their Reps

As Yambo’s numbers continue to sink, angry constituents in deep red areas are letting their congress members have it. Rachel Maddow included some clips last night.

“Republican congressman Rich McCormick hosted a town hall tonight in Georgia,” she said. “People lined up tonight outside Roswell City Hall in Georgia for a chance to ask this congressman about the federal spending cuts and the mass firings of federal employees and other things the Trump administration is doing. In another clip that was posted by Greg Bluestein of the Atlanta Journal Constitution, you can hear one woman reminding Congressman McCormick that it is Congress, Congress that is supposed to control the budget.”

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Not the president. And you are doing us a disservice to set that down and not stand up for us.

McCORMICK: A lot of that will be litigated.

At one point, he almost pleads, “You don’t think I will stand up for you?”

That’s right, Rich. READ THE ROOM.

“‘You need to stand up.'” And then you hear the woman at the end going, ‘Don’t bend over.’ That was Roswell, Georgia tonight. Congressman Rich McCormick, a Republican of Georgia, getting a very hard time from his constituents.

“Earlier today in Oregon, people packed a room in the Pendleton, Oregon, convention center for a town hall with Oregon Republican Congressman Cliff Bentz. Congressman Bentz tried to defend Trump’s cuts.

BENTZ: So the potential federal budget reduction impact on Oregon, these are the kind of things that will be impacted. USDA, Medicaid, reclamation college and university, federal grants, Veterans Administration and other federal agencies each of now when I say they’re affected it may be for the best. As hard as it might be, it may be for the best.

I’m thinking it may just be dawning on these congressmen that they’re in trouble, and that being a rubberstamp for Trump is not paying off.

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