MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow looked at the recent polling data from Gallup and other pollsters and found Donald Trump’s low showing this early in his honeymoon is shocking.
All those MAGAts and Republicans claiming Trump has a mandate with Americans are just lying.
MADDOW: It’s been a month officially as of today for this new presidential term and what the data says sort of broadly, bottom line, is that the country kind of hates this guy.
I shouldn’t say hate, it’s not the right word, it’s not a nice word.
Maybe it’s can’t stand him or maybe I shouldn’t characterize it at all.
We’ll just, I’ll show you the numbers.
I will say we probably should have seen this coming.
I didn’t necessarily believe that it was coming this far this fast but you know right out of the gate, Gallup did polling just after the inauguration.
They did their first poll on public opinion of Trump in this second term starting immediately after the inauguration.
Literally they had their first poll in the field the first full day Trump was in office, the day after he was sworn in.
That is the definition of the honeymoon period, right?
That’s when you are at your high-water mark in terms of what people are expecting from you and hoping for from you.
But in that first Gallup poll of this presidential term, sort of shockingly, Trump was already underwater.
In his first week in office, more Americans disapproved of him than approved of him.
I mean only about one point but still that’s that’s unheard of.
Elon Musk has even worse poll numbers, but Trump is the alleged President and his data is not a fluke.
Gallup just did its follow-up poll, now one month into Trump being back in office and his numbers have gotten worse.
He’s not minus one anymore, now he’s minus six, which makes him at this point in his term not only the most disliked and unpopular president in 70-plus years of Gallup polling, Gallup says it actually puts him 15 points below the average polling for presidents, again over the last 72 years in which they have been doing this polling.
At this point in a presidential term, one month in, the average is 15 points higher than where Trump is right now.
Nobody has ever started off a presidential term this poorly in the eyes of the American people.
I mean all presidents are above water at this point in their presidencies right out of the gate.
Trump’s the only one.
Trump was underwater with the American public from day one and since then he’s been sinking like a cinder block in an ocean trench.
I did not know to expect that.
Trump’s poll numbers are not going to get any better. His attacks on Ukraine and Pres. Zelensky while blowing Vladimir Putin will not help his cause.