Maintaining his record of not being able to hold down a job, Killer Kyle has a new grift going on as the puppet for a Florida gun shop. Gulf Coast Guns is claiming that Krazy Killer Kyle is their new star employee:
From their Facebook page:
Apparently, some time during the last half of 2024, he lost his gig as a spokescritter for a gun nut group in Texas, fled the state and moved to Pensacola, Florida, where he’s become a promotional tool for this gun shop, instead of just being a tool like he usually is:
Now he’s the Gulf Coast Gun and Outdoors’ star employee.
Gulf Coast Gun and Outdoors, located in Milton, Florida, boasted Rittenhouse “the Kenosha kid” is officially a full-time employee.
“Kyle will even ring you up,” the Feb. 5 Facebook post says.
Chris Smith, the store owner, announced Rittenhouse was the special guest for the store’s 10-year anniversary last month. The store’s “grand prize” was a free gun designed by Rittenhouse, called a “KR-15,” and 1,000 rounds of ammunition, Smith said while on Facebook live. The gun is exclusively sold at the store and features Rittenhouse’s signature on the side. Every gun purchased that weekend came with a free, signed copy of Rittenhouse’s book “Acquitted.”
Giving away copies of Krazy Killer Kyle’s book has got to be one of the worst promotional gimmicks of all time. First of all, if he’s still trying to push the damn thing, it can’t be very good. But one shouldn’t expect a junior high drop out to write the next best selling classic. Furthermore, the rubes that this gimmick would attract probably aren’t all that literate anyway. Maybe they could use it to fix that wobbly table in the back room.
One also shouldn’t believe that Krazy Killer Kyle suddenly developed a work ethic where he could maintain a steady job anywhere, even at Guns’R’Us. This is not the first time that they used KKK for some stupid ass promotion. He was also involved last Christmas with the store’s “12 Guns of Christmas” sale.