Hegseth Wants $50,000 From Taxpayers To Paint His House

Unelected President Elon Musk and Puppet Donald Trump claim to be so interested in saving government money they’re sending teams of unelected outsiders to snoop through our most sensitive government systems. But they seem to have no problem with taxpayers footing the bill for wealthy Defense Sec. Pete Hegseth’s so-called “emergency” paint job to the tune of nearly $50,000. He also wants more than $80,000 from taxpayers for other maintenance and repairs to his government housing.

It seems Democrats are the only people asking questions about those eye-popping figures.

Via Bloomberg:

[Reps.] Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida and Connecticut’s Rosa DeLauro demanded an explanation from Hegseth in a letter Friday, as well as answers to several other questions about his housing maintenance and repairs, which they said total $137,297.

“Why is $49,900 for emergency painting necessary and how does that use of funds comply with the Administration’s stated goal of government efficiency?” they wrote. They also asked what monthly rent he will pay for the home on a military base near the Pentagon, whose location they didn’t disclose. They’re seeking answers by Feb. 21.

Wasserman Schultz and DeLauro also asked for a commitment to provide other servicemembers with a similarly high quality of housing, given that many “currently live in unacceptable housing conditions including houses with mold, lead paint, and other hazards.”

It’s not like Hegseth is hurting for money, or at least he shouldn’t be. In a press release, Wasserman Schultz noted he supports the Musk/Trump “funding freezes and cuts to federal programs, services and jobs” in the name of government efficiency. Yet Hegseth thinks he should dip into public coffers while likely earning $246,000 a year in his public post, and reportedly having earned $6 million in the last two years as a Fox News TV personality.

This should come as no surprise, though. You may recall that Hegseth was pushed out of two non-profit jobs for financial mismanagement and overspending.

Alleged sexual predator Hegseth seems rather touchy (no pun intended) about his extravagant paint job. He attacked his own former Fox News colleague, Jennifer Griffin, for daring to share the Wasserman Schultz/DeLauro letter on Xitter. “Any/all house repairs were going to happen no matter who was moving in–and were all initiated by DoD,” Hegseth sniped. “But Dems/Jen don’t care about facts; they’re just Trump haters.”

I look forward to Hegseth’s documented explanation to Congress.

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