Neil Cavuto Blasts Sen. Kennedy For Calling VP Harris A 'Ding-Dong'

Fox News host Neil Cavuto couldn’t stand Louisiana Senator Kennedy’s ridiculous antics and attacks against Democratic presidential nominee and current Vice President Kamala Harris, repeatedly calling him out for his nonsense.

Kennedy never gets any pushback for his Yosemite Sam phony accent moronic analogies and attacks on Democrats while appearing on Fox News, but this time the Fox News host rightly refused to let it pass. I uploaded seven minutes and 48 seconds because Cavuto was relentless and refused to give in to this cretin for once.

Cavuto began the discussion by talking about President Biden’s plans to reform the Supreme Court, but Kennedy claimed court reform was VP Harris’s idea and then began attacking her laugh.

KENNEDY: Margaret Thatcher didn’t giggle. Golda Meir didn’t giggle. When you look at the polls, fair or not, many Americans, and again, this may not be fair, but I’m just telling you what the polls show, many Americans think that the vice president is a little bit of a ding-dong, that she’s not serious.

Who knew poll questions included asking voters if Harris is a ding dong. Kennedy was proud of his analogy. Cavuto immediately pushed back.

CAVUTO: Well, this ding-dong, Senator, has risen in the polls, and I’m wondering if the strategy to focus on her laugh, or the former president calling her nasty and crazy, really promotes that push to show she’s not up to the job. Does it look petty? Does it say to judge her on this level looks like a strategy that could backfire on Republicans? By all means, get her on the issues that matter, like you’ve talked about abortion, to clarify what this Supreme Court push might be about, but to focus on this other stuff just looks dumb.

It is dumb and none dumber than this fictitious shit kicker. He was not a fan of being ridiculed.

KENNEDY: Neil, if I could finish my thought, when you look at the polls, fair or not, what the polls, the crosstabs show, is that those Americans who have an opinion of the vice president think that, number one, she’s a bit of a ding-dong, and, number two, that she is a member of the loon wing of the Democratic Party.

CAVUTO: Well, that member of the loon wing, Senator, I’m not casting aspersions either way, though, that member of the loon wing is now dead even with Donald Trump in one battleground state after another.

CAVUTO: Now, I’m not saying that might last. I am saying that this loon is surging, and if the Republican approach to her is to treat her like a loon and a cackle, and she is just an empty suit, I wonder how far that’ll go.

Since Cavuto was trying to have a serious conversation, Kennedy dug himself deeper by attacking Cavuto and claimed his feelings had been hurt. Sen. Kennedy called her a ding dong again.

KENNEDY: And they also think that she is a member of the loon wing of the Democratic Party. She’s a San Francisco Democrat. She believes in abortion on demand. She’s a San Francisco Democrat.

CAVUTO: I guess all I’m saying for all the problems and calling her loon and all that, and I get it. I know it’s political season and that happens on both sides.

Kennedy then lies.

KENNEDY: “I didn’t call her a loon, Neil. You’re putting words in my mouth. I said she’s a member. She’s a member of the loon wing of the Democratic Party, and there is a loon wing of the Democratic Party.”

CAVUTO: What’s the difference between the loon wing and being a loon? And I’m just wondering about the approach you’re taking. It’s going to come back to bite your heinies, isn’t it? Aren’t you concerned about that?

Kennedy lies again.

KENNEDY: I’m telling you what I think the American people think. It may not be what I think, and it may not be what you think, but this is Washington. Then what do you think of polls that shows that she’s running even with Donald Trump, regardless of what either you or I think?

CAVUTO: I’m just wondering how you think that will resonate with women when she is called nasty and crazy and a ding-dong and all and disrespectful between you and the president, what has been said about her.

I’m just wondering, do you worry how that comes across? And maybe you draw no distinction between a female candidate, a male one, that’s fair game, but that this could hurt you with female voters with these type of comments.

Kennedy then mumbled some more garbage that he doesn’t care about her gender.

CAVUTO: Then why call her a ding dong?

KENNEDY: And I’m telling you what the polling shows. I’m telling you what the polling shows. And it does. And I’ll be glad to sit down with you and walk you through the polls.

Cavuto had about enough of his offensive shtick.

Kennedy attacked him again with his passive aggressive bullsh*t, “I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings.”

Cavuto shot back, “Are you really are you really being objective, Senator? I just think you’re bashing and name calling at her. If you call that being objective, I don’t know.”

The Fox News host had enough and called it a day.

Kennedy is no Buttigieg or Walz.

Hey Fox News, please keep putting Sen. Kennedy on. He only elevates VP Harris’ chances in November.

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