I’ll be the first to admit I’ve been the victim of a “too good to be true” deal on something I’ve seen online (the Instagram ads just get me sometimes, OK?). So, if you’re an impulsive online shopper like me, I hope you’ll find some comfort in these r/ExpectationVsReality photos of people definitely NOT getting what they paid for.
1.This “crystal” mug:
Walmart / Via walmart.com
u/sleepysphynx / Via reddit.com
2.This “giant donut”:
Domino’s / Via dominos.com.au
u/Dexton2992 / Via reddit.com
3.This “bird” lamp:
Oliver Bonas / Via oliverbonas.com
u/Jethrowhitemen / Via reddit.com
4.This reindeer “yard decor”:
Ali Express / Via aliexpress.us
u/WVPrepper / Via reddit.com
5.Yet another “donut”:
Safeway / Via safeway.com
u/NeighborhoodLife3513 / Via reddit.com
6.This “knitted” sheep sweater:
FashionFlux / Via fashionflux-london.com
u/tinycryptid / Via reddit.com
7.This “Hedwig” tree topper:
PB Teen / Via pbteen.com
u/uglypatty / Via reddit.com
8.This “Nashville-style” hot honey pizza:
California Pizza Kitchen / Via businesswire.com / cpk.com
u/superdavit / Via reddit.com
9.This “Philly cheesesteak”:
Subway / Via subway.com
u/Kevoor88 / Via reddit.com
10.This “Snoop on a Stoop”:
Walmart / Via walmart.com
u/sosasharty / Via reddit.com
11.Oh, what’s that? Yup, another donut:
Tim Horton’s / Via snackandbakery.com
u/xx_kenzkenz_xx / Via reddit.com
12.This Christmas “elf kit” with a whole lot to unpack:
Temu / Via temu.com
u/masked-mommy-aria / Via reddit.com
13.This “garage-sized” snowman decal:
Temu / Via temu.com
u/MeltySmores / Via reddit.com
14.This one-way ticket to “Flavortown”:
Walmart / Via walmart.com
u/Garchonk420 / Via reddit.com
15.These “Minion” — oh, my bad — “Minon” egg custard buns:
u/laMarm0tte / Via reddit.com
u/laMarm0tte / Via reddit.com
16.These “Jordan” socks:
Nike / Via nike.com
u/Fortnite_is_terrible / Via reddit.com
17.This “sexy catsuit”:
Shein / Via euqs.shein.com
u/NataliaTemple / Via reddit.com
18.This “edible bouquet” for Mom:
Crazy Crepe Cafe / Via crazycrepefruitdelivery.com
u/captain-jacky / Via reddit.com
19.These “chocolate-covered strawberries” for Dad:
Krista Wilson is a news writer for Axe News Room. She has been with the company since 2017. Her favorite topics to write about include local politics and entertainment, but she also enjoys writing about national politics when she can find time between her other assignments.